Friday 17 May 2013

Records fall at Intermediate TSB Athletics Event

The weather was fantastic for this year's Intermediate TSB Athletics meet at the NSC.  A combination of our Year 9 & 10 students were out in force competing to retain the championship titles.

Charlie Miller has smashed the Y10 Discus record which has stood since 1991 at 33.32.  Charlie's new record will now stand at an impressive 35.22m.  In the 200m Danielle Akitt recorded a time of 26.9 seconds to break the school record that previously stood at 27.6 and was set in 2003!  Also, in the High Jump event, Sarah Slater-Kinghorn beat the school record by 6cm, taking it to an impressive 1.47m.  Again, the previous record of 1.41m was set in 1995 which proves how impressive her jumping has become.

Many outstanding performances on the day ensured our points total continued to accumulate but there were many athletes from a host of other secondary schools looking in impressive form.

It was to be a CRHS day however, with the Joan Powell Memorial Cup, awarded to the athlete who accumulates the most points at the meet, being won jointly by two CRHS students.  Ellie Gilson (Hurdles and  Long Jump) and Sarah Slater-Kinghorn (Hurdles and High Jump) both scored an impressive 45points - congratulations to both of you!

In the overall standings, the girls ran away with a comfortable victory, scoring over 70 points more than their nearest rivals.  Ellie Gilson and Danielle Akitt are featured below collecting the girls trophy.

In the boys competition, it came down to the wire on points.  A strong St Ninians side battled hard all afternoon and the results were going to be tight.  In the end, the CRHS boys pulled it off, beating their competitors by a mere 8 points overall to secure the trophy for another year.  Jacob Callow is pictured below, collecting the boys shield.

Well done to all athletes, and particularly to those athletes who will now qualify for the Merseyside Athletics Meeting later this summer!

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