Year 7 ROUNDERS v QEII   15/5/13 

Today we played Queen Elizabeth II High school on rounders. We lost 18-22. It was very close but there is things we need to improve on like throwing the ball to the right base not the one they are on because we will not get them out.  Also getting our throw’s right because that will improve our game and we will get a lot of people out. Also always hitting the ball when we are batting because we will get more rounders. 
The rounder’s match went well and I think that we did very well and did not give up. We kept going all the way to the end.

By E. Dunne

Year 9 Rounders v QEII
C Team
This was a very close game between CRHS and QEII but sadly QEII just beat us by 1 rounder.  This was a bit of a dissappointment but both teams tried really hard with a finishing score of 13.5 - 14.5 to QEII.  Overall we were very happy with our results and know that we will try even harder next week.

By E. Byrne

Year 10 Rounders v QEII

Our 3rd game of the season was against QE2.  We were playing at home again and the weather was top notch.  Our Captain, Sarah Wignall, started us off on a good start by winning the toss.  By half time the score was 6.5 to 10.5 to us.  On the 2nd field we managed to get the whole QE2 team out by ball 28.
By the time we came to bat for the second time we only had to score one rounder to win.
Our first batter, Hannah Dixon, got this for us straight away.  The end score was 9.5 to 21 to Castle Rushen.  This match was our best teamwork of the season so far.  Well played Girls.

By S. Wignall

Year 8 Rounders v QEII - Monday 13th May

On Monday QEII came to play us in a rounder’s match.  The game started of with us batting and QEII fielding.  When we were fielding we caught a lot of people out
When we were batting Megan Roberts score 7 whole rounder’s.
Overall the score was 8.5-20.
We played very well and hopefully we will do just as well next Monday against St Ninians.

Year 10 Cricket v QEII - 14th May 2013

We lost by 7 wickets to a good QE2 side - In a game where both fielding teams were exceptional with all players bowling, QE2 emerged victorious through a fine display of batting to which CRHS could not reply.

Man Of The Match - Paddy Cooper

Year 10 Rounders vs Ramsey Grammar School - 7th May 2013
By B Corkish

Second match of the season and we were faced against one of our toughest competition, Ramsey. They were first to bat and they set a high score for us to match. Strong batting from all the team scored us lots of rounders putting us ahead as we went into the second innings. The final score Castle Rushen 22.5 – 19 Ramsey. 

KWC v CRHS “A” Year 9 Rounders match – 3rd May 2013
By A Hattersley

The toss was won by Castle Rushen when the whistle was guessed in the left hand and Castle Rushen fielded first in the first innings. We caught the first 5 KWC plays out with no score being registered however they went on to score 5 ½ with Anna making some great catches as our backstop, We went into bat with Amica, Ella, Indie, Emily and Rhiannon all scoring to make our score of 11 ½  
The second innings was more closely fought with some very good play from both teams with KWC winning 9 to 8 ½ giving an overall score of 20 to 14 ½ win to Castle Rushen. The next game is on Friday 10th May away at RGS.

Castle Rushen high school (home) vs King Williams College (away) - 1st May 2013
By C Townsend

Last Wednesday (1st May) we had a fantastic rounder’s match.  Despite being a bit nervous at the start, we still managed to beat King Williams College 10 ½ - 5!  Everyone played well and the training before the match definitely helped. I think our teams strengths are that we all work together well as a team and if someone did something wrong, we wouldn’t shout at them. For next time, I think we need to improve on our batting skills because we all miss the ball quite a lot.  Overall I feel we did very well, but there is still room for improvement.

Year 10 Rounders v KWC - 30th April 2013
by S. Wignall

For the first match of the season we were faced against our rivals, King Williams College.  We were down two of our key players so we had to adapt quickly if we were to come out with a win.  The whole team were on top form with exceptional performances from Courtney Russell, Katie Reubens, Autumn Kelly and Catherine Reid in the deep field and around second base.  The team fought hard and it all paid off as we came out with an outstanding win that was deserved.  The final score – CRHS 20 – 9.5 KWC.

Year 8 Rounders - Monday 22nd April 2013
by A. Lachenicht

Well Monday was a good start to the week! Ramsey trekked all the way down to the South but lost. Our team cooperated well, with our fielding skills winning us the game, as we caught the whole team out!

We were a bit disappointed with our batting , however the two people I thought stood out the most were M. Roberts and C. Danes, with Megan scoring 7 rounder’s and Ciara adding 3 to the total. The final sore being 19.5-11 with the first inning concluding as 11.5-5

Overall we were very pleased with our first competitive game and are looking forward to our next match. 

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